Do your sunglasses help prevent or cure different eye conditions?
According to search data many people search for the relation between eye health, eye conditions and sunglasses. Unfortunatley there are not many reliable sources that give a complete overview. So we decided to dive in and find out for you. This article explores if your sunglasses are a solution for different eye conditions. Or if you can use your shades to prevent them.

Eye conditions and eye diseases and their causes
Problems with your eyes, or "eye conditions" as they are usually referred to can have different causes. You can have bad luck genetically speaking. Or have an accident that causes damage to your eyes or even complete vision loss. Another reason (and one that is becoming more common), is an unhealthy lifestyle.
Dry Eyes epidemic
An example of an unhealthy lifestyle is excessive exposure to UV radiation which can damage your eyes. Another example is the excessive time current generations spend behind their phones and digital screens. One of the effects of this is an epidemic of dry eyes in the Western world. An estimated 3.2 million women and 1.7 million men over the age of 50 are currently affected by dry eye symptoms. And the peak is not in sight.
Impending eyesight epidemy: Myopia
There's also another, more severe impending eyesight epidemy related to this phone and screen use. This eyesight epidemic is Myopia, or commonly called "Nearsightedness". This condition is covered in more detail further on in this article. It is already flooding large parts of Asia, and the National Eye Institute warns that 39 million Americans are currently nearsighted. That number is expected to grow further to 44.5 million by 2050.
So there are many reasons why people develop eye conditions. Some of them take decennia to develop and surface. Others are a more medium to short term problems. When you are aware of the fact that you are in a high risk group for developing these problems, it is very important to visit your MP regularly. He or she will send you to an optometrist when needed to keep your eye sight as good as possible.

Prevent or alleviate vision problems
Not every vision issue is severe or irreversible. some vision problems can be treated by the right specialist. And in some cases they can be prevented by taking a few precautions. This article covers the more common and rare eye conditions. Read all about their causes and their symptoms.
And more importantly: if for some of these conditions your sunglasses can help prevent or even cure them. Or how they can alleviate their symptoms. For instance, sunglasses can help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. And they can help cure or alleviate glaucoma. But are they a solution for other common eye conditions? Here we go:
Astigmatism is an eye condition that can be the result of an irregularly-shaped cornea (the cornea is the transparent layer that is the front of your eye). It is one of four what we call "refractive errors". These are vision conditions that can occur when the shape of your eye prevents light from focusing properly on the retina (the retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of our eye).
It can occur after eye injury, surgery or a disease. And contrary to popular believe astigmatism isn't caused by reading in poor light or by sitting too close to your digital screen or TV.
With this condition you experience blurry vision at both near and far distances. Systoms like excessive squinting, irritation, red eyes and eye strains are common symptoms.
Astigmatism can usually be treated with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery.
Sunglasses and Astigmatism
Sunglasses do not prevent or cure astigmatism. You can wear corrective glasses with a UV lens (sunglasses lens) but this prevents against UV radiation, not the astigmatism.
Presbyopia is a condition that makes it difficult for people to focus their eyesight on nearby objects. this is caused by a reduction in elasticity in your eye lens. This eye condition usually starts showing symptoms when you are in your 40s (40 - 45 years old). And it usually progresses until the age of 65.
Some treatments used for presbyopia are: wearing glasses with corrective lenses, contact lenses, and sometimes refractive surgery.
Sunglasses and Presbyopia
Sunglasses do not make a difference for presbyopia. They neither prevent nor cure presbyopia. You can always wear corrective glasses (spectacles) with UV protective lenses or coating, but it does not help against presbyopia.
Myopia, or "near-sightedness"
You could have myopia if you experience blurry vision while looking at distant objects, while objects close to you can be seen more clearly. Myopia is commonly known as "near-sightedness". The strain on your eyes caused by trying to focus on objects farther away from you can trigger headaches. And many sufferers of myopia frequently squint, while trying to adjust their vision. This can cause headaches too.
Glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery are often used to treat myopia. Optometrists can advise you to wear glasses or corrective lenses throughout the day. Or during specific activities, to minimise the effects of myopia.
Sunglasses and Myopia or near-sightedness
Sunglasses do not really make a difference if you have myopia. They do not prevent or cure this eye condition. Although good shades do alleviate headache-like symptoms and make sure they don't worsen due to bright light.
Hypermetropia, or "farsightedness"
Hypermetropia (farsightedness) can be seen as the opposite of myopia. With hypermetropia, objects closer to you look blurry, while objects that are farther away from you can be seen more clearly. Excessive squinting and headaches are common symptoms related to this eye condition. These symptoms usually occur when you try to focus your vision on the nearby objects.
Glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery are the best options available to treat hypermetropia. Optometrists can advise you to wear glasses or corrective lenses throughout the day or when performing specific tasks, to minimise the effects of hypermetropia and offer some solution against the symptoms we described.
Sunglasses and Hypermetropia, or "farsightedness"
Sunglasses do not really make a difference if you have hypermetropia. They do not prevent or cure this eye condition. Although good shades do alleviate headache-like symptoms and make sure they don't worsen due to bright light.
Glaucoma is an eye disease which is caused by damage to the optic nerve. If glaucoma is not treated it can easily worsen and sometimes even result in permanent vision loss. An abnormal pressure build-up in the fluids in your eyes (what we call "intraocular pressure") can be the reason for this damage to the optic nerve, an important nerve that that transmits signals to the brain.
Treatment can range from special medicinal eye drops to medicines to surgery. Often the treatment is a combination of the above. Shades do not prevent or cure Glaucoma.
Sunglasses and Glaucoma
Sunglasses do not prevent or cure the eye condition Glaucoma. High quality sunglasses can sometimes alleviate some discomfort caused by excessive squinting that is one of the symptoms of Glaucoma.

So these were some examples of common eye conditions and specifically about whether or not they are prevented or cured by sunglasses. The conclusion is that sunglasses can help alleviate symptoms of some of these conditions. But they can never cure or prevent them. The reason why shades were originally invented is to filter out excessive light and glare. And to protect against UV radiation. So if you suffer from one of these eye conditions, having high quality sunglasses or sun/UV coating can enhance your eye comfort a bit. In the sense that you might squint less and can relax the muscles around your eyes.
Are you interested in reading more about what good quality sunglasses can do for you? For instance about the benefits of feeling comfortable, with glare-free vision? With products that provide the best UV protection and quality? Click here to read more. Or visit